CBD Concentrates

Beginners Guide How To Use CBD Concentrates? 6 Ways to Use CBD Concentrates in 2021

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You Will: Come away from this article being familiar with the different ways to use your concentrates.

There are many different varieties of CBD concentrates and just as many ways to use them. Familiarizing ourselves with different techniques to consume concentrates will help us utilize them in the most efficient and desirable way to suit our lifestyles. Some of us may wish to consume these concentrates by dabbing, vaping or absorbing sublingually. It all comes down to personal preference and the intended end result. Let's outline the various ways we can utilize CBD concentrates safely and effectively.

Techniques to consume CBD concentrates

Vaping - Inhaling a vapor produced by applying heat to the concentrate, usually through the form of an electronic device.

Dabbing - Dabbing is pretty much vaping. The only difference really being you vape e-liquids and dab cannabis extracts such as shatter and wax. Here we are adding heat to a concentrate to produce a potent vapor for inhalation. The term dabbing came about as you only need a small bit of concentration to get a dose, hence, a "dab'll do". This is the most popular way to consume CBD cannabis concentrates which explains why using concentrates is usually referred to as 'dabbing'.

Smoking - You can combust some CBD concentrates in a 'spliff'.

Sublingual Absorption - It is possible to place a CBD concentrate under your tongue for 120 seconds to absorb sublingually.

Edible - For those who like to digest their CBD concentrates you have the option of sprinkling your CBD concentrates over a delicious snack.

Combining with a carrier - You can mix your CBD concentrates with a carrier oil, such as MCT oil to create a potent and natural CBD oil.

Consuming a specific form of CBD concentrate

Now we know a multitude of techniques used to consume different types of CBD concentrates, let's break down the most popular ways people consume the different classifications of these.

CBD Shatter, CBD Terpsolate & CBD Isolate

Vaping / Dabbing - You can add these substances to an 'oil rig' or a 'dab pen'. Using heat, the concentrates will turn to vapor and can be inhaled. You could also add these concentrates to a PG/VG base and vape as an e-juice.

Smoking - If you're looking to increase the potency of your CBD hemp flower you could sprinkle concentrates throughout your 'spliff'.
Edible - You can infused your food with concentrates.

Sublingual Absorption - Perhaps the simplest way to do it. Take your selected dosage of concentrate and place it under your tongue. Hold under tongue for 120 seconds and swallow.

Combine with a carrier agent - You can use these concentrates to mix with a carrier oil such as MCT oil, Hemp seed oil or Coconut oil. You can heat a bottle of a carrier oil by sitting it in a bowl of hot water. Pour your concentrate powder into the warm carrier oil and shake for 5 minutes until all the crystals have dissolved in the fluid. You have made your own CBD oil!

CBD Distillate Crumble / Wax

Vaping / Dabbing - You can add these substances to an 'oil rig' or a 'wax pen'. Using heat, the concentrates will turn to vapor and can be inhaled

Smoking - If you're looking to increase the potency of your CBD hemp flower you could sprinkle concentrates throughout your 'spliff'. You could even apply some heat you to your crumble with a butane torch or lighter and rub it on the outside of a spliff to create a 'wax joint'.

CBD Distillate Oil

Vaping / Dabbing - You can add these substances to an 'oil rig' or a 'wax pen'. Using heat, the concentrates will turn to vapor and can be inhaled.

Edible - You can infused your food with concentrates.

Sublingual Absorption - Perhaps the simplest way to do it. Take your selected dosage of concentrate and place it under your tongue. Hold under tongue for 120 seconds and swallow.

Combine with a carrier agent - You can use these concentrates to mix with a carrier oil such as MCT oil, Hemp seed oil or Coconut oil. You can heat a bottle of a carrier oil by sitting it in a bowl of hot water. Pour your concentrate powder into the warm carrier oil and shake for 5 minutes until all the crystals have dissolved in the fluid. You have made your own CBD oil!

Now you are more familiar with how different varieties of CBD concentrates can be consumed the next step is to decide which way of consumption best suits your lifestyle. Are you already a smoker? Smoking and vaping may fit right into your daily routine as it is. New to this? It may be easier to start with some sublingual absorption, it'll certainly be the most cost effective way. You will also want to ask yourself what purpose are you using the concentrates for? Is it for immediate pain relief? Then maybe vaping will be your best option as it offers greater bioavailability and almost instantaneous results. Although the results do wear off relatively quickly in comparison to an oral absorption. Sublingual absorption could be best for those looking to enhance homeostatis and calm over a long working period and for this method digesting orally would work better. Although effects will take longer to come on, they will generally last for longer too, promoting a calm and relaxed mindset for a longer period of time. So as you can see, how YOU choose to use concentrates will be specific to your own lifestyle and not every option is suitable for everybody.

If you have any questions regarding any CBD concentrate products, devices or any further information on anything related to this blog then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you and anything we can do to help would absolutely be our pleasure. Get in touch via our live chat or drop us an email enquiry and one of our team will be back in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you for reading.

To read our blog introducing beginners to the types of concentrates please click here!

Author Shaun Lehane

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